API Limits and Guidelines (salesforce.com)
API Limits and Guidelines
Marketing Cloud APIs allow you to integrate your applications and other technology systems with Marketing Cloud. To protect our Service and ensure the availability of Marketing Cloud for all customers, Salesforce places limits on API usage.
Maximum request payload size for all other Marketing Cloud APIs / 4 MB / Hard limit
How to determine payload size (Internet Explorer Edge)
1. open the journey canvas for the journey you want to get sizes for
2. open dev tools
3. make sure the canvas iframe is in focus (I usually do this by right clicking on the canvas and saying "inspect" which will open dev tools with the canvas iframe focused)
4. select the console tab in dev tools
5. type "console.log(`${new Blob([JSON.stringify(this.ixn.toSaveJSON())]).size / (1024 * 1024)} MB`);"
Example Screenshot